Friday 25 January 2019

ClientSide Training

Topics  :

 - Html
 - CSS (Cascading style sheet)
 - Javascripts

HTML (HyperText markup language)

HTML  is markup language which deals with the page construction.
Page Extentions : .htm and .html
Similar to XML syntax's , html tags has beginning tag and ending tag .

Html page can be constructed with the html tags similar to below  :

*Note  : "<!--   --> " is comments syntax  in the html


          <html><!--(Html tag is starting tag for all the web pages)-->

                    <head> <!--(Inside head tag , we need to keep CSS style,Page title etc)-->

                          <style><!--( inside style tag we need to add style to be applied to the page )-->                                                                       



    <body> <!--(body tag is main tag which is visible in the browser after rendering the page)-->                               
               <h1>Main Content of the page goes here </h1>                       


You can just make a trail by copying the  above entire html content from <Html> till end and paste in the notepad and save with .htm or .html extention , click on the file which saved ,then  open in the browser you can see the  below output :


Wednesday 9 January 2019

Angular interceptors sample code

Angular Interceptors : 

Interceptors  generally used to modify the request before sending the request to the server and modifying the response after receiving the response from the server before passing to the application code .

Here is the sample code for angular interceptors :


import { HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class DemoInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor
    intercept(req : HttpRequest<any>,next : HttpHandler) : Observable<HttpEvent<any>>
        let request  : HttpRequest<any> = req.clone({
         setHeaders :
             "Authorization" : "customtoken"
        return next.handle(request);

Once the above code snippet is used then , we need to configure the interceptor in the app.module.ts
providers sections  like below  :

app.module.ts  : 

 providers: [
               provide : HTTP_INTERCEPTORS , useClass : DemoInterceptor,multi:true


After these configurations we can see the request headers for all request contains the "Authorization" in the request header:

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Different ways of Registering service in angular

There are various of registering  a class as a dependency in angular.

   1.  Registering globally  to root [This will be available to entire application]:

      LocalServicesService .service.ts
                             providedIn: 'root'

            export class LocalServicesService {
                        getDetails (){}

Now if the class is registered as injectable then we can use this class any where in the entire solution as dependency class for ex  like this  :

                          selector: '',
                          templateUrl: '',                 
                          providers: []
           export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
                              constructor(private service : LocalServicesService) {  }
                                           ngOnInit() {   

2. Registering service to specific component 

 LocalServicesService .service.ts

            export class LocalServicesService {
                        getDetails (){}


                          selector: '',
                          templateUrl: '',                 
                          providers: [LocalServicesService]
              export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
                              constructor(private service : LocalServicesService) {  }

                        ngOnInit() {   

In this scenario the LocalServices class can be injectable to only HeaderComponent

Sunday 6 January 2019

Debugging in Angular with Visual studio code

Setting up debug steps for Visual studio code  :

1. In the above screenshot , click on debug menu from the left panel

2. You need to setup the launch.json file  with the below code  changes  :

   "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "chrome",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
            "url": "http://localhost:4200",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
3. Make sure for chrome you need to install the debug for chrome  extension .

4. Run the angular project , put the break point where ever required.


Tuesday 1 January 2019

C# code for HttpPost with Authorization Token

C# code for HttpPost with Authorization Token

Assembly :  System.Net.Http

using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
                var res = await client.PostAsync("URL",
                new  StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourObject),Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
                var resp =res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                var response = res;

Upload file programmatically C# to Microsoft Azure Storage

c# code sample for uploading  file into Azure storage programmatically         

Nuget Package  :
          Install  "Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob" package

        private async Task<bool> UploadFile()

            CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = new CloudBlobContainer(new  Uri("URL"));
            CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference("FolderName");
            await blob.UploadFromFileAsync("FolderPath");
            return true;

Monday 16 May 2016

Angular Environment Setup

Angular  Environment Setup:

Here are the simple steps to configure the angular environment.

Step 1 : Firstly you need to check if npm is installed in the system or not. Simply  use “npm -version ” in the command prompt , if this shows any version in the system your are good to proceed with second step else go to this link  to download and install the node then proceed with step2.

Step 2 : Secondly you need to check for “ng -version” for angular CLI , if you get  some version in the command prompt then you are good to go with the angular development ,else  run the command in the cmd prompt  “npm install -g @angular/cli”  to install the angular cli globally (-g in the command indicates globally)

Hey!!!! If you done with the above 2 steps then you are good for the development to start with.