Topics :
- Html
- CSS (Cascading style sheet)
- Javascripts
HTML (HyperText markup language)
HTML is markup language which deals with the page construction.
Page Extentions : .htm and .html
Similar to XML syntax's , html tags has beginning tag and ending tag .
Html page can be constructed with the html tags similar to below :
*Note : "<!-- --> " is comments syntax in the html
<style><!--( inside style tag we need to add style to be applied to the page )-->
<body> <!--(body tag is main tag which is visible in the browser after rendering the page)-->
You can just make a trail by copying the above entire html content from <Html> till end and paste in the notepad and save with .htm or .html extention , click on the file which saved ,then open in the browser you can see the below output :
- Html
- CSS (Cascading style sheet)
- Javascripts
HTML (HyperText markup language)
HTML is markup language which deals with the page construction.
Page Extentions : .htm and .html
Similar to XML syntax's , html tags has beginning tag and ending tag .
Html page can be constructed with the html tags similar to below :
*Note : "<!-- --> " is comments syntax in the html
<html><!--(Html tag is starting tag for all the web pages)-->
<head> <!--(Inside head tag , we need to keep CSS style,Page title etc)-->
<style><!--( inside style tag we need to add style to be applied to the page )-->
<body> <!--(body tag is main tag which is visible in the browser after rendering the page)-->
<h1>Main Content of the page goes here </h1>
You can just make a trail by copying the above entire html content from <Html> till end and paste in the notepad and save with .htm or .html extention , click on the file which saved ,then open in the browser you can see the below output :